dark electronic
Albums scraped2021-12-13T17:03:35.187Z
Last updated2021-12-15T04:37:30.568Z
Released at
25Arsenal - Manipulator1988
92Valhall - Ormens offer (Seeming remix)1988
14Arsenal - Factory Smog Is a Sign of Progress1990
6:Wumpscut: - Blutspuker Tavern1995-09-01
69:Wumpscut: - The Mesner Tracks1995
19Kevorkian Death Cycle - Collection For Injection1996
70Cujo - Adventures in Foam1996
4Panacea - Low Profile Darkness1997-02-17
87Scorn - Zander1997-02-18
32Panacea - German Engineering1997
47Various Artists - Collect:Erase1997
61Various Artists - Panacea Shares Needles With Tarmvred1997
76Various Artists - IDE: Interface vol. 11997
56Techno Animal - Radio Hades1998
12Various Artists - Morthor Spede1999-02-19
63Various Artists - Road to Duat1999-02-19
48mindFluxFuneral - Birthmark1999-03-23
74Somatic Responses - circumflex1999-09
16Pulse Legion - One Thing1999-10-12
18Gridlock - Further1999
24Atomine Elektrine - Atom Xtension1999
53Defrost - Defrost2000-02-00
73Patient - Alice's Adventures through the Windshield Glass2000
23Tarmvred - subfusc2001-09-27
100St. John's Eve - Standing In A Crowd In A Corner Near The Wall2001
45This Morn' Omina - 7 Years of Famine2002-02
67Empusae - Funestus2002
97Monoid - Virtual Violence2002
52Defrost - -0°C2003-05-29
7Roger Rotor - malleus maleficarum2003-11-03
71Paul Haslinger - Underworld - Original Score2003
72Empusae - Ritual Decay2003
80St. John's Eve - Building Glass Shelters2003
43S:cage - remote2004-05-24
81Keef Baker - The Widnes Years2004-08-10
20Synkro - synkro2004-08
83This Morn' Omina - The Drake Equation2004-09-00
15KiEw - Audiotherapy2004-11
1X-Fusion - Demons of Hate2005-03-28
26Monstrum Sepsis - Movement2005-04-12
33Black Lung - The Coming Dark Age2005-05-05
34The Mercy Cage - scree:transmissions2005-05-07
39Control - The Means To An End2005-05
31Iszoloscope - The Audient Void2005-09-06
54Out Out - Virtual Sound Images2006-02-21
66Die Sektor - To Be Fed Upon2006-06-16
5S:cage - MadnessTurnsToGlass2006-10-06
9Kobold - The Taste of Copper2006-11-07
82Urceus Exit - Contra [Bonus Tracks and Remixes]2006-12-12
41It-Clings Vs Pneumatic Detach - The All Too Logical Descent Into Madness2007-04-10
10Vromb - Sous Hypnose2007-09-01
22skin contact - website tracks2007-09-03
60Geprogrammeerde Celdood - The Great Conflict2007-09-16
89Geprogrammeerde Celdood - Glitch Village Vol. 22007-09-16
99Geprogrammeerde Celdood - Proto-Slachtafval III2007-09-16
44Scorn - Stealth2007-10-12
28skin contact - The Fine Line2007-11-08
17Mr. Somnambula - Visions2007-12-18
58Ghostfog - monotonous ep2007
88Jukeen - Elevated EP2007
36Esa - How Pure Would Your Utopia Be?2008-01-21
91Tzolk'in - HAAB'2008-02-19
29skin contact - clear2008-03-07
79Cholostase - Noise against Tibet2008-03-07
30skin contact - Pleasure, Pain, and Distraction2008-03-21
35Psy'Aviah - Entertainment Industries2008-08-29
50MKDELTA - Netaudio2008
95Skerror - XGorgon 1: BLIZ2009-01-16
49skin contact - carbon/reset EP2009-05-00
55skin contact - Antitrust2009-05-00
37Acylum - The Enemy2009-10-30
78The Starship - The Lost Neuro Pathway2009
98Skerror - XGorgon 3: XGEA2010-03-15
46JAZZYSPOON - Circle When Finished2010
64skin contact - comedown2011-01-13
51Raptor System - This is The Radiation2011-04-19
93Raptor System - The Ruins2011-04-19
84The Silent Age - Machinations2011
8Scorn - Imaginaria Award2012-04-18
21Vortex Rikers - Short Stories EP2012-05-13
94Lucario - Antibiotikx Misrepresentative2012-05-22
27Tiria - Elysium2013-03-03
11Xander Harris - The New Dark Age of Love2013-04-02
38Youryoungbody - Kurokabi2013-04-21
68Jordan Reyne - The Annihilation Sequence2013-06-04
65Caffeine Mit Cocaine - One Black Coffee Please2013-12-21
85Witch Eyes - Witch Eyes2014-04-24
90The Starship - Space Debris2014-09-19
62Patient - This Dark Alleyway2014
77Patient - Phobia2014
86Hands of Ruin - Subterranean2014
57Laud23 - AusDRUCKsTANZmusik2015-08-02
13Rawar - Psychedelic Inferno2016-10-24
96skin contact - machine intelligence2016-12-02
59Valhall - Grim/More2019
3Not My God - Not My God2020-02-14
42Violent Vickie - Division2020-02-14
2Hante. - Morning Tsunami2021-07-02
75Thief - The 16 Deaths of My Master2021-08-27
40Not My God - SIMULACRA2021-10-15